29 October, 2023
 1. As you reflect over the last six weeks for this series, what has been most impactful to you? What truth has shifted the way you think or interact with the Lord and others? 
 2. In a world where there are now so many options and preferences, share an example of how you respond when faced with a decision. 
 Jesus builds an alternate understanding of life, life does not orbit around us, but around God. Read together Matthew 7:13-28 where Jesus introduces three illustrations to show us the way, the results, and the power of His Kingdom. 
 3. Two Roads: Narrow Devotion Leads to a Wide Life.
  • Jesus talks about the Narrow Gate and the Wide Gate. Look at the text Matthew 7:13-14 and discuss what are the characteristics of each gate.
  • What do you like about this text or what is difficult or challenging to grasp? 
 4. Two Trees: Genuine Faith Produces Deep Character.
  • Jesus talks about the Good Fruit and the Bad Fruit. Look at the text Matthew 7:15-20 and discuss what are the characteristics of the fruit on each tree.
  • Salvation—produces the growing fruit of obedience. Where in your life have you seen the fruit of obedience grow? 
 5. Two Houses: Supernatural Strength Follows Action.
  • Jesus talks about those who Act on His Word and those who fail to act on His Word. The POWER of the kingdom flows to those who ACT on their faith.
  • Is there an area of your life where you need to take action by making a decision? 

"The final step in becoming a disciple is decision. We become a life student of Jesus by deciding. When we have achieved clarity on “the costs”—what is gained and what is lost by becoming or failing to become his apprentice—an effective decision is then possible. But still, it must be made. It will not just happen. We do not drift into discipleship." - Dallas Willard

  6. Are you willing to apprentice under Jesus and Make Him Lord over your life? It’s a NOW decision, a moment-by-moment surrender to give all of life for all of life to the Lord.  

Closing Prayer: Recite Together

Father, take my life I pray, and use it as You will. I choose today to surrender my all to You. You know the thoughts of my heart, and I have not come to this decision lightly, but know that this must be the path that I take from now on.

Father, I pray that moment by moment I will look to You. I pray that I breathe in Your will for my life through the Word of God and breathe out Your blessing to others, whom You may choose to place in my path.

Lord, I know that it is a dangerous prayer, but I ask that You do whatever it takes for me to live entirely in Your will and to be able to say in every circumstance of my life, “Your will be done and not mine”. Look deeply into the very core of my being and root out all things in me that are displeasing to You, Lord.

Search out my heart and change me into the person that You desire me to be, whatever it takes. May I decrease in my importance and desires, so that You may increase in every area of my life until You become my all in all.

Lord, today I choose to surrender my whole life to You and pray that whatever the cost, You would take full control of all that I am and all that You want me to be, from this point on.

I ask this in the precious name of Jesus,


Further Study/Reflection: (Revelations 20:11-13, John 10:9, John 14:6, Spotify: Hillsong - Resurrender)