Recognizing Opportunity | 11.19.23

19 November, 2023
Title: “Recognizing Opportunity”
Text: I Corinthians 16:5-9


Where have you seen God move in your heart or within others this past week? 


Read Hebrews 10:19-25 and discuss “Since, Thens”. (Example: Since Jesus gave us access to God through His blood, then I purposefully pray regularly.)


Read Psalm 118:19-20. What door has God opened for you recently that you are most thankful for?


Name a door that has opened for you that you didn’t expect. What did you do? Did you go through it? Why or why not?

What door is open for you now that you are praying over and/or what door are you hoping will open soon that you are praying over?


As we seek to grow in Jesus together, take some time to pray over the answers to the previous question.