I Need An Answer | 1.7.24 | Jeremiah Johnson

7 January, 2024


HOPE –This is a time to share what God is doing in the lives of those in your group to celebrate and worship the Lord together.

 • Where have you seen God at work in the last week?

HEAD: This is a time to dive into biblical truth together, observe the text, and discuss it. 

Read John 14:1-7.

 • What does this section of Scripture teach us about God or people?

 • Disciples: What is their response? What were they focused on? 

 • Jesus: What was his response? What was Jesus trying to get the disciples to understand?

HEART – This is where you share what God is speaking either personally or as a community. 

 • In a world where there is suffering and hardship, Jesus' statement Do not let your hearts be troubled seems impossible, Why? 

 • He says "BELIEVE" IN HIM. Share a time when have you experienced HIS peace or this untroubling of the heart by placing your faith and trust in Jesus.

HANDS: This is where you are encouraging a response to obey what God is speaking.

Read: Isaiah 26:3. What can you practically do to keep your mind stayed on HIM? What truth can you hold onto this week or share what truth you have been holding onto? 

HELP – This is a time to ask what is confusing and needs clarity, are there any prayer needs? 

Quote from J.I Packer: “I am a child of God. God is my father. Heaven is my home. Every day is one day nearer.” 

How can we help one another walk in this truth and keep our hearts trusting in Jesus, living as heaven is our home?