Full | 2.25.24 | Shawn Haggerty

25 February, 2024
Pastor Shawn Haggerty's sermon "Full" explores the impact of technology on our relationship with God and others using Colossians 2:6-10. He cautions against self-preoccupation, isolation, and distraction caused by technology, emphasizing the need for wisdom and discernment in its use. Pastor Shawn encourages prioritizing genuine connection over virtual interactions and resetting habits to seek fulfillment in Jesus. The sermon concludes with a call to intentionally focus on our relationship with Christ amidst the distractions of the digital age.

HOPE: Where have you seen God at work in the last week? 

HEAD: Read Colossians 2:6-10
 1. Who is Paul speaking to?
 2. Look for repeat phrases in the text, what is the overarching message Paul is trying to communicate?
 3. Why do you think Paul warns against deceitfulness and empty philosophy? 

 1. Icebreaker Option: "What's the funniest or most embarrassing text message you've ever sent or received?"
 2. How can we apply Colossians 2:6-10 to our use of technology and ensure we are rooted and built up in Christ?
 3. What are some specific ways that your use of technology has led to self-preoccupation, and how can you change that?

 1. How can we be intentional about prioritizing genuine connections with others over virtual interactions?
 2. What are some practical ways to ensure that our use of technology does not hinder our spiritual growth or time spent with Christ?
 3. How can we disciple others and raise awareness about the potential negative effects of technology on our spiritual lives?
HELP: Ask for prayer requests first 
 • Pray for God's guidance and wisdom in using technology wisely
 • Pray for the ability to find contentment and fulfillment in God's presence, rather than seeking it through technology
 • Pray for the strength to prioritize genuine connection with others over virtual interactions

Going Deeper: Optional questions to reflect upon and encourage the conversation to go deeper. 
 • Heart
  ○ In what ways can we evaluate our relationship with technology to ensure it aligns with our faith and helps us grow closer to Christ?
  ○ How can we practice contentment and selflessness in our use of technology, focusing on Christ instead of our own desires?
  ○ What specific changes can you make in your social media habits or usage to invest more in meaningful connections with others?

 • Hands
  ○ What opportunities can you identify in your community or church to encourage healthy technology habits and spiritual growth?

Scripture References: 
Colossians 2
Genesis 1-2
Daniel 4
Jeremiah 29
John 1:1
John 17
John 6
John 4
Lamentations 3
Philippians 4
Hebrews 5