23 June, 2024
Icebreaker Option: What's the most memorable or funny thing that has ever happened to you at a family gathering or holiday celebration?

HOPE: As you thought about the words John used to describe Jesus in chapter 1, how did God speak to you?

Pastor Justin Kendrick began this sermon series on the book of John by reviewing how John meticulously crafted his gospel under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, with the purpose of leading readers to a to a belief in Jesus as the Messiah (John 20:31). Pastor Justin then explored the first of seven signs that John handpicked to show us the glory of Jesus. In the turning of water in wine in Chapter 2, John points to our own inadequacy and to the abundant grace of God. Pastor Justin concludes with a challenge to acknowledge our insufficiency and trust in God's transformative power.

• How have feelings of insufficiency or not feeling good enough affected you?
• Identify a recent situation where you felt unsure about God's plan. How did knowing God’s character allow you to trust Him?

HEAD: Read John 2:1-12
Pastor Justin explained how John used this miracle as a metaphor.
• How does John use this account to metaphorically point to our condition before God?
• What does this miracle reveal about God’s character?
• How does this sign point to the work for and in us that Jesus intends to do?

• What areas of insufficiency do you need to acknowledge and surrender to God?
• In what areas of your life do you find it difficult to trust God and surrender to Him? How might you work on growing your faith in these areas?
• Where do you need to step out in confidence? How can applying your understanding of God's character help you in this?

HOPE: Prayer
• Ask God to help you trust Him and surrender your insufficiency to Him throughout this week.
• Pray for the ability to see and believe in the transformative power of Jesus in your life, even in moments of uncertainty.
• Ask God to guide you in obeying His instructions and trusting His plan for your life.

Going Deeper: Questions to reflect upon and encourage the conversation to go deeper.
Spend time with the prologue of the gospel, John 1:1-18
• In verse 12 we read, “he gave the right to become children of God.” How is this truth meaningful to you?
• According to this text, what was the purpose of John writing this gospel? Also reference 20:30-31.
• What keywords or concepts do you see and how do these concepts progress through the passage?
• How will you walk in grace and truth as given by Jesus Christ?