14 July, 2024
Ice Breaker Option: What was your favorite childhood bedtime story that you can still quote?

HOPE: From the words spoken by Jesus in the book of John, what is one thing you heard God say to you about yourself?

Pastor Ryan Wetherhead delves into the story of Jesus feeding the crowd in John 6, contrasting our need for control with three principal reasons for trusting Jesus: Jesus’ care, abundance, and deep understanding of our needs. He challenged listeners to surrender control, recognizing that Jesus is the ultimate source of provision and fulfillment. Illustrating that this miracle points to our greater need, our need for Him, he concluded the sermon by encouraging listeners to seek Jesus rather than looking only for what He does.

• Where do you most struggle with the need for control?
• How have you experienced God's abundant provision in your life?
• Can you recall a time when Jesus showed care and concern for you in a unique way? How did that encounter impact your faith?

HEAD: Read John 6:1-15
• What does the conversation between Jesus and His disciples reveal about their perspective compared with Jesus’?
• What do we learn about Jesus from how He met the need of the crowd?
• What did the crowd believe about Jesus and what greater truths about Him does this passage point to?

• What steps can you take to surrender control to Jesus and trust Him more in your daily life?
• How does recognizing Jesus' deep knowledge of us change the way you approach your struggles or unmet desires?
• Jesus sees a moment of need as an opportunity to see God at work. In looking at your own needs and the needs of those around you, where do you see an opportunity for God to work and how will you partner with Him in this?

• Spend time in thanksgiving for God’s abundant provision.
• Ask God to help us to let go of control and increase our trust that He is more than enough.
• Pray for wisdom to see things from God’s perspective and opportunities to step out in faith this week.

Questions to reflect upon and encourage the conversation to go deeper.
Pastor Ryan spoke about Jesus being the bread of life, referencing John 6:35. Read 6:26-47.
• Do you truly look to God as your ultimate satisfaction?
• What are the similarities and differences that Jesus is drawing between manna and Himself?
• How will this truth change how you pray and act this week?