Sermon Recap
Pastor Justin Kendrick delved into the importance of moving from cynicism to hope as we engage with the gospel's transformative power from Ephesians 1. He shared how the gospel offers a radical hope in a world filled with disillusionment. Through the resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit a new age was started, and we now live in the overlap of these ages. Ultimately, he calls on the congregation to participate together in fostering this hope, aligning their lives and actions with the greater mission of the church.
Ice Breaker Option
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, but it had to be prepared by a cartoon character, which character would you choose and what food would you pick?
HEAD: Read Ephesians 1:15-19
• What does Paul say about the Ephesians?
• What specifically is he asking God the Father to give them?
• In what way is Paul praying that they will be changed?
• What situations make us cynical? How might viewing these situations through hope rooted in the gospel change our perspective?
• How is the resurrection of Jesus experienced in your daily life?
• How does knowing that we are in the overlap of the ages offer us hope?
• In what ways will this understanding of resurrected realism impact how you pray?
• What are some practical ways you can carry hope into your community, work, or school?
Spend time reflecting on the upcoming commitment Sunday.
• What are you most excited about in the three priority areas?
• Where are you most challenged as you consider how God is inviting you to take part?
• Use the model in the “Step 1: Pray” from the Journey Guide to lead your group in a time of prayer.
• Invite the Holy Spirit to enlighten our understanding of God’s promises.
• Pray for a desire to invite hope into our hearts and ask God to help us see our lives through this lens of hope rooted in the gospel.
• Seek guidance on ways we can encourage hope in others.
Going Deeper:
Pastor Justin referenced a generosity opportunity given to the Corinthian church. Read and reflect on 2 Corinthians 9:1-15.
• What is the attitude being commended in this passage? What is the result of their giving?
• Think about being “cheerful, joyous, prompt to do anything” with your resources (verse 7). What does this mean to you specifically considering the resources God has given you?
• Paul makes the connection between our actions and the gospel of Christ in this passage. How does living in the overlap of the ages fuel your stewardship of the resources God has given you?