Sermon Recap
Pastor Justin Kendrick continued the series on spiritual growth by exploring how God changes our minds from 2 Corinthians 3. He examined the concept of the 'veil' that hinders spiritual clarity and insight. He highlighted that understanding the gospel of Christ is crucial for unveiling the truth and gaining freedom. Ultimately, true freedom comes from realizing that spiritual growth and transformation stem from beholding the glory of Jesus, allowing that vision to reshape our thoughts and lives.
Ice Breaker Option
Describe your past week in weather terms.
HEAD: Read 2 Corinthians 3:12-18
• Paul uses the imagery of a veil in this passage. Unpack this illustration. What are we blinded to and why?
• How is this barrier removed? What is the result?
• What does this passage reveal about God’s desire for us?
• Can you identify some cultural narratives that may be affecting your thoughts or beliefs about yourself?
• How do you respond to this truth that you are being transformed? What does it mean to you personally?
• How good are you at “beholding” - to stop and to look and to reflect and to consider and to meditate? What challenges you in this?
• What negative scripts can you identify in your life, and what scripture helps you rewrite those narratives?
• In what ways will you practice 'beholding' God's glory in your daily life this week?
• Spend time in adoration.
• Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal narratives that are leading you away from Him.
• Pray for the Holy Spirit to deepen your time with God this week, that you might quiet your mind and listen in prayer.
Going Deeper:
Lectio Divina is a historical practice that helps us prayerfully read Scripture. It cultivates in us “personal, participatory attentiveness” as we read to live Scripture (Eugene Peterson).
Use this method to help you take time to behold the glory of Jesus. “The scripture tells us that Jesus Christ is the exact representation of God's nature. If you're confused about God, not sure what he's like or why he did something, look to the person of Christ. It is the Supreme Court. He brings clarity to our vision of God.”
Choose a passage that reveals who Christ is to read and meditate using this practice.
Suggested passages: Revelations 5:5-6, Philippians 2:5-8; Isaiah 9:6-7, Luke 4:17-21, Hebrews 4:14-16.
Prayer Tool:How to do the Lectio Divina