2 February, 2025

Sermon Recap
Pastor Justin Kendrick explored a "seeking God lifestyle” from Jesus’ example in Mark 1. He emphasized that true happiness and transformation come from a genuine relationship with God, achieved through spiritual disciplines, which are love shaping rituals. Drawing parallels between the story of Jesus and a leper, he illustrateD how seeking God leads to clarity, compassion, and empowerment. Ultimately, Pastor Justin encouraged the congregation to prioritize these habits to cultivate a deeper love for God and experience profound changes in their lives.

Ice Breaker Option
Would you rather go on an all-inclusive holiday or go backpacking for a month?

Read Mark 1:35-42
• What is the situation that Jesus is encountering?
• What are the different actions of Jesus depicted in this text? What do each of these teach us about His priorities?
• Of all the people who came seeking Jesus, Mark tells the story of the leper. What can we learn from the interaction between this man and Jesus?

• Think about the moments when you have prioritized seeking God. How did that impact your feelings or actions?
• How do you respond to the good news of His great love for you? How does this impact your current life circumstances?
• How does reflecting on God's love for you lead to a deeper desire to cultivate a relationship with Him?

The habits of a seeking God lifestyle include prayer and solitude, meditation and silence, fasting and worship, confession and study.
• Which of these spiritual disciplines do you find most challenging? How can you work on incorporating 1 or 2 into your routine?

• Spend a moment in silence, reflecting on God’s great love for you and allow God to speak to your heart.
• Ask God to reveal distractions in your life that prevent a deep relationship with Him.
• Pray for a heart that desires to seek God wholeheartedly.

Going Deeper:
This is the power of the perspective that launches us into a seeking God lifestyle - "The revelation that Christ became the leper, that you and I might become the son or the daughter of God." 
  • Spend time deepening your understanding of the substitutionary atonement of Jesus.
  • Read and think about the following texts: Isaiah 53:3-6, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Galatians 3:13, Romans 5:6-9, 1 Peter 2:22-24
  • Spend time each day this week journaling a response to God for His love for you.