Sermon Recap
Pastor Justin Kendrick began a new teaching series from the Book of Acts, focusing on the significance of the Holy Spirit's arrival at Pentecost from Acts 2. He highlighted how this account is a prophetic culmination of a series of Old Testament events. Drawing a parallel between the events at Babel and Pentecost, he showed how the division caused by sin is reversed through the unity of the Spirit, creating a new community of believers. He contrasted the first Pentecost and this Pentecost, showing how Jesus gave direct access to God. Finally, he contrasted the Old Testament temple with how God now sends forth his Spirit into his people. Ultimately, he calls on the congregation to embrace their identity as the temple of the Holy Spirit and to expect a deeper, transformative experience with God.
Ice Breaker Option
What is something that made you laugh this week? What is something that annoyed you?
HEAD Read Acts 2:1-12
• When did this event take place and why is this significant?
• How did the Holy Spirit come and what did He do?
• What was the result of the Holy Spirit’s filling of the disciples? How does this reveal God’s mission?
• How does knowing that the gospel was first preached to people of all nationalities and languages challenge you?
• In what ways might you be forgetting your identity in Christ? How does remembering that you have access to God through Christ make a difference in your life?
• How does the idea of being a 'living temple' change your perspective on your daily actions and interactions?
• How can you foster unity in this new diverse community that God is building amongst his people?
• In what specific ways will you carry God's presence into your home, school, workplace or community this week?
“When God's church adds expectation to supplication, then the blessing tarries no longer tarries.” Charles Spurgeon
• Ask the Holy Spirit to fill your hearts with a fresh expectation.
• Seek healing or restoration in relationships that feel divided.
• Ask for opportunities to share the Gospel with someone this week.
Going Deeper:
Use the
Reading Plan to read
, reflect, pray, and journal through the book of Acts.
Practice Togetherness:
Practice Being On Mission:
• Choose a Group Night and pray for your community.
WHOS MY NEIGHBOR GUIDE: This guide has been created to provide practical ways to love your neighbors and be a light in your community.
• Use Community Resource Guides to locate an organization to serve in your city: Click
Leader Resource Link & Locate Financial Section.