Week 6 - Surrender

22 November, 2019
Wake My Heart: Surrender

CGL’s: as you prepare for your group, please fully familiarize yourself with both the Commit and FAQ sections in the Wake My Heart Journey Guide.

  1. Take some time to share about the ways God has been speaking to your heart these past few weeks.

  2. Your hesitancy to trust Christ reveals a misunderstanding of His nature. Where in your life right now is God revealing His true nature to you? How are you responding to what He is showing you?

  3. Our hearts are prone to cling to what’s good at the expense of what’s best. Where is this true in your life right now? What steps do you sense the Holy Spirit nudging you to take to begin embracing God’s best and fullness for your life?

  4. Honestly, how much time do you spend worrying about your needs and wants? How different would your life be if you rested in the revelation that God is your provider? What would change if you truly believed and embraced the truth that God takes full responsibility for the life fully yielded to Him? Share the concrete ways your relationships, affections, time and resources would change.

  5. In the story in Luke 14, there were 3 different types of people who made excuses for not attending the banquet. Which one do you relate to?

    1st person - Land, possessions and stuff distract their hearts and time.
    2nd person – Work and making a living take priority over fully following Jesus.
    3rd person – Relationships with others mean more than their relationship with God.

    Why do you relate to that type of person? What practical steps can you take this week to begin living for God’s Kingdom and not your own?? 

  6. Take the time as a group to go through the FAQ section in the Wake My Heart Journey Guide. You won’t be able to read every question but be sure your group is familiar with this part of the guide. Together, discover the answer to any questions members of your group may have. Also, encourage your group to start digging into the Commit section of the guide. 

    End your group with a corporate prayer of surrender to Jesus. 


Scripture verses:
Luke 14:12-24
Psalm 37:25
Psalm 16:11b
Luke 18:38

Sermon points:
Your hesitancy to trust Christ reveals a misunderstanding of His nature.

Our hearts are prone to cling to what’s good at the expense of what’s best. 

God takes full responsibility for the life fully yielded to Him.