I Think It's Fractured | 1.24.21

24 January, 2021

Headspace: Week 2
Sermon Title: I Think It's Fractured
Text: Daniel 3:13-18

  1. This past week, what ‘sacred limit’ did you put into place in your daily life? How did God speak to you? What is your plan to continue for this coming week?

  2. Justin talked about the reality of idols. An idol is anything more important to you than God. Anything that would make life not worth living should you lose it.

    Take some time and do some self-examination. What are the idols fighting for the affection of your heart? This week, how can you release those idols and fully worship Christ?

  3. Christianity will not always provide the reason for your suffering, but it does provide the resource to get through difficulties, and his name is Jesus.

    Read Isaiah 43:2 aloud. How have you experienced the truth of God’s presence and provision during times of trial?

  4. Take some time and pray this truth over one another: God loves you more than you can imagine and more than you’ll ever deserve.

    Invite the Holy Spirit to deposit the truth of God’s love into your heart as he transforms the narrative you are living by.