10 Year Discussion Questions | 9.12.21

12 September, 2021
Hello CG Leaders!
What a day of celebration this past Sunday was! As the Psalmist writes “Great is the LORD! He is most worthy of praise!” This week’s group discussion continues the reflection of all God has done. If you are able, we would love for you to send the first 3 questions below out to the members of your Community Group so they can come to your gathering ready to prepared and ready to share.

1. What was 1 thing you were looking forward to the most about the Vox 10-year anniversary celebration?

2. What were 2 things that blew you away about what God has done in and through Vox Church over the last 10 years?

3. What are 3 ways God has changed your life by being a part of the Vox community?

4. The thing that Vox celebrates the most are hearts that turn to Christ resulting in changed lives. End your group by praying specifically for one another. Let the Spirit of God give you encouraging words and scriptures. Pray those things over everyone in the group, one at a time.
CG Leader: The best way to do this is to put a chair in the middle of the room, have everyone take a turn in the ‘hot seat’ while the rest of the group prays over them. You may even suggest that people record the prayers that are being prayed for them on their iPhone.