The Two Reports | 9.19.21

19 September, 2021
Text: Numbers 13:1-3, 25-33

1. In your family of origin, did you tend to be ‘the glass is half full or the glass is half empty’? How your spiritual journey impacted that perspective?

2. We often find ‘two reports’ fighting for our heart and mind. One report says, “we can’t”. The other says, “we can”. Most often “we can’t” speaks louder. In the past 18 months, what situations specifically have you experienced this battle? How did God meet you in these situations? Who in your life encouraged you during this time? Where have you experienced victory in situations that seemed impossible?

3. The people of Israel ignored the history of what God had done and His promise to inherit the land and ended up wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. Spend a few moments and remember. Share the times that God has shown up and done the impossible or you sensed his presence and faithfulness in midst of difficulty. Remember out loud things He has done for you.

4. Starting Sept 26th, you will have the opportunity to participate in the “Bury Your Ordinary” campaign. This includes seeking to go deeper than ever before in your walk with Christ. What is your initial gut reaction to this? What areas of your spiritual life do you desire to grow in?

5. Take some time as a group and pray about your answers to question #4. Lay down fears, insecurities or anything that will hinder you from a fuller pursuit of God. Pray out loud the areas that you want to grow – ask the other members to agree in prayer over all that you pray. Believe God for a new and fresh work in your heart this fall!