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Not Knowing God Was There

Scripture Verse: Genesis 28:16

Think about this question. How much of your life are you living unaware of what God is doing?

As followers of Jesus, it's important to live with an ever-increasing awareness of the work of God around us.  Here's two daily practices to help cultivate that:

  1. Morning Confessions - Begin your day by confessing what you're believing God to do that day.  Create your confessions based on God's Word.  Find verses about seeing miracles, hearing God's voice or sharing your faith.  Turn those truths into declarations.  Speak them with faith.  These confessions are crucial as they set the focus for your day.  God will meet you at your level expectation.

  2. Evening Examen - End each day with this 10-minute exercise.  Find a quiet place. Invite God's Spirit to guide you into truth.  Then ask yourself:

    • Where did I love well today?

    • Where did I miss opportunities today to love well?

Don't rush.  Let God speak to you.  Trust God to increase your awareness of what He is doing.