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God's Favor Rests on Me

Do you know that as a child of God, His favor rests on you? Most believers would quickly nod and agree with this truth. But can I ask you, friend – are you living with a daily awareness and application of God’s amazing favor in your life? Here’s 5 ways you can choose to apply the truth that God is truly and deeply for you.

  • Your daily alone time with God. Do you approach this time with an expectation that God will meet with you, teach you, and show Himself to you? Psalm 25:14 tells us that friendship with the Lord is for those who reverence Him. In this friendship, He makes known His truth.
  • During your busy day. Genesis 39:23 tells us that Joseph had great favor with the Lord in the mundane tasks of everyday life. During your hectic schedule, it’s important to remember His favor rests on every little aspect of our lives.
  • In the middle of trial. Trials and difficulties come to all us. Isaiah 43:2 promises us that when we pass through “waters, rivers or fires” God will be with us. In struggles we don’t have to be overwhelmed or consumed because the favor of our God is with us.
  • In your job. Read Exodus 31:3-4. Do you know that the Spirit of God wants to fill you with ability, intelligence and knowledge? This is the favor God wants you to bring into your workplace.
  • For future events. Our Heavenly Father stores up good and abundance for His children! (see Psalm 31:19). You don’t have to live in the fear of the future because God’s favor is yours.

Let it be done according to your faith. Start today living in God’s favor.