October 27th

Unit 35, Session 4

Paul Went to Rome (Acts 27–28)

Hey Volunteer Team! This week we will be diving into the story of Paul’s perilous journey to Rome, where he and his shipmates faced relentless storms and hardships on the open seas. Despite the fading hope of survival, Paul held firm to God’s promise to bring him safely to Rome to proclaim the gospel. In today’s passage, we learn powerful lessons about perseverance and God’s faithfulness. Even though everything seemed to be working against Paul—stormy weather, a lack of food, and even the sailors' loss of hope—Paul trusted in God’s assurance that he would fulfill his mission. Taking on a leadership role, Paul encouraged the crew with the message he received from an angel: "Don’t be afraid." This unwavering trust in God’s plan carried them through the storm. As you prepare to teach this story, reflect on how God’s promises and faithfulness can give us strength in our toughest moments. Pray for your group to experience the same miraculous faith that carried Paul through the storm and to trust in God’s goodness no matter the circumstances.

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