The Revolution | 3.10.24 | Justin Kendrick

10 March, 2024

Pastor Justin Kendrick's sermon on living as God's people delves into navigating politics with wisdom and humility, drawing from Mark 12's lesson on paying taxes to Caesar. He emphasizes prioritizing allegiance to God over political affiliations and adhering to divine commands over governmental decree. The sermon advocates for loving one another amidst political discord, sparking a revolution rooted in inner transformation and service to others. Believers are encouraged to anchor their hope in God's sovereignty, trusting His work in uncertain times.

Icebreaker Option: What's the most hilarious or embarrassing thing you've ever witnessed or experienced at a family gathering?

HOPE: Where have you seen God at work in the last week? 

HEAD: Read Mark 12:13-17 

  • Talk through the attempt by the Herodians and the Pharisees to trap Jesus with their question. What would happen if he said NO to paying the tax? What would happen if he said YES to paying the tax?
  • What was Jesus implying when he said, "Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God."
  • Read Romans 13:1 then discuss what this teaches us about God, and how Christians should respond. 


  • In what ways can Christians avoid allowing politics to become an idol or the source of their hope?
  • Can you think of a situation where you might have to navigate the world of politics with wisdom, humility, and discernment? 
  • Justin called for a revolution that changes one's inner self and emphasized the power of a transformed heart. Discuss how a transformed heart can bring about positive change in society, even amidst political tension.

  • What are some practical ways you can demonstrate your ultimate allegiance to God in your political decisions? 
  • What are some ways you can let your transformed heart shine in your community or country, regardless of the political climate?

HELP: Ask for prayer requests first:

• Pray for wisdom, humility, and discernment as we navigate the world of politics. 

• Ask God to help us prioritize our allegiance to Him above any political party or government. 

• Pray for the ability to honor and respect governing authorities while prioritizing obedience to God's commands. 

• Ask for transformed hearts that will bring positive change to society and the ability to love and serve one another, even amid political tensions and disagreements. 

• Pray for the ability to anchor our hope in God's sovereignty and trust that He is at work, even in uncertain times.

Going Deeper: 

Download the Political Prayer Points and carve out additional time to pray over this election season. Check out the All Together Separate Resources using the same link: 

Scripture References: Mark 12:13-17, Romans 13, Psalms 24:1, 2 Chronicles 20:6, Daniel 2:21, John 13:34-35.