"God, break my heart for what breaks Yours."

Wake My Heart is a two-year generosity campaign to lead 100 percent of the people at Vox to 100 percent trust in God.

Each week of Wake My Heart will have a short video teaching from Justin and a list of discussion questions to go along with the sermon and teaching.  Community Group Leaders can encourage their group members to bring their Journey Guide with them to the group to follow along and take notes. Follow the links at the bottom of this page to access the videos and discussion questions.

Week 1: Heartbeat

Week 2: Vision

Week 3: Impact

Week 4: Prayer

Week 5: Priorities

Week 6: Surrender

Week 7: Sacrifice

Week 8: Commitment

Week 9: Generosity

In This Series

  1. Week 1 - Heartbeat
  2. Week 2 - Vision
  3. Week 3 - Eternity
  4. Week 4 - Prayer
  5. Week 5 - Priorities
  6. Week 6 - Surrender
  7. Week 7 - Sacrifice
  8. Week 8 - Commit
  9. Week 9 - Generosity

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